You Can Stop Saying
to your child

We want to protect our children. We want to caution them, we don't want to see them in pain, we don't want to see them hurt. We mean no harm in telling our children to BE CAREFUL whilst climbing the tree, DON'T touch the stove, or NO playing with tools.
It's become such a habit, that we don't realize how often we say these 3 things to our children, until we become conscious of it. We mean well and we have good intentions, however, what we need to understand is what the long-term effects and implications of our chosen words mean for our kids.
Let's dive into each word/phrase a little deeper and look at why we need to stop saying these 3 things to our children.

Ever wonder why, when you say "Don't go up the stairs", "Don't put your feet on the table", "Don't forget your homework", "Don't make a mess", they end up doing exactly that! As Mia Von Scha from Transformational Parenting explains, language is an abstraction from reality. This means that multiple people will have multiple interpretations and perceptions of certain words that they hear. Language doesn't mean anything (it is purely sound that you have heard), until your brain translates that into meaning and pictures.
Now when we use the word "don't" in a sentence, what mental picture is a child receiving? If we tell them "Don't eat with your hands". The mental picture the child is receiving is to eat with their hands. In order to understand what the words "Don't eat with your hands" mean, children need to visualize what eating with their hands looks like and make a mental picture of themselves doing it, which makes them more likely to do it again!
Consciously our children understand what we are asking them, but unconsciously they are making mental pictures of the opposite of what we are requesting them to do. If we are asking them not to eat with their hands, consciously they understand that we have asked them to stop eating with their hands, but unconsciously they have seen the mental picture of themselves eating with their hands, therefore will continue to do so after they've stopped thinking about your request. We need to change the mental picture we are giving our kids when we say ask them to be cautious or when we ask them specific requests. Instead we should be asking them to "Eat with your fork please". In this way, their mental picture will be clear and they won't continue to eat with their hands once they slip back into their unconscious frame of mind again.
Using the word 'no' is considered negative language and "unintentionally inserting negative phrases into our parenting could have the unintended consequence of rewiring how our kids speak and how they perceive their world." Similarly to using the word "don't" in sentences, children get a mental picture of the opposite of your initial request. For example, you say to your child: No running across the road!" Your child's mental picture received is to run across the road.
We need to rewire our children's brains to think more positively, therefore we need to be conscious of our choice of words, and instead of focusing on what they can't or shouldn't be doing, focus on what they CAN do. No running? Then ask them to walk. Save 'no' for absolute emergencies.
This helps our children listen to us better and rewires our kids’ minds to hear us, to respond, and to feel heard.
Notice what you are about to say and stop yourself.
Take a deep breath, and ask yourself: Is this a life / death situation? Is there an opportunity to learn that my child may gain from this?
Respond to your child with positive language. Encourage problem solving and help your child to foster awareness.
Backwards Mama has a wonderful poster to download for What To Say To Kids Instead Of "Be Careful". Download it here.

Empower your child with encouraging statements. Learn more about the difference between encouraging and discouraging statements in this instant download:

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